In Mitu Sengupta article of Race Relations Light Years from Earth he discusses how many different movies have some kind of white fantasy. But the one movie he focuses on is Avatar how this movie has been labeled many different types of names since its release date in 2009. Sengupta says that in this movie the main character who is played by a white actor, happens to be the hero of the movie, to Sengupta’s conclusions he says that this is another movie representing the “White Messiah”. 

As how I see it I agree with Sengupta’s opinion of the movie Avatar, Avatar has many meanings that we don’t realize that’s why many people labeled this movie differently. To my understanding I think this movie is in some way racist, not only in the way that Sengupta describes it but also how in most of the movies that are being produced now in days are usually based the same. What I’m trying to explain is how many of the heros played in movies are usually white. There’s only a few where I could actually say that the hero is being played by a person of color. This could also fall in the category that white privilege also exist, white people are always given the better roles in movies, which leads to being the star of the movie. If this role that Sam Worthington plays in Avatar would have been given to a actor of color like Will Smith, there would of never been any assumptions that this movie is falling under the category that Sengupta puts it in of it being a demonstration of the “White Messiah”. Many movies have meanings to them but viewers don’t really realize what these producers are actually getting us to watch.

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    Samantha Vogel

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Racial Discrimination in Disney