Porn has abducted our society! It’s literally seen everywhere, it’s not the same how before where someone attracted to those movies or the magazines would have to go somewhere specific to be able to obtain that kind of entertainment. Why is that so? It seems that this generation has transformed completely to the point that to grab a viewers attention there has to be some kind of sexual attraction to it. Mostly everything seen in the street when it comes to billboards is very sexual, even commercials for fast-foods have become very popular to make them more sexual. Women are almost half naked in a regular everyday magazine that can be bought by anyone. In the film Sexy Baby on of the three main characters Nichole aka Nakita Kash claims that porn has entered the mainstream and that it has affected the sexual expectations of men and women.

I strongly agree with Nichole, in all these three cases with Laura, Nichole, and Winnifred pornography and the appearances that is seen everywhere has affected their lives. In Laura case for her to feel sexually attracted and to satisfy the man by having the perfect vagina she had to get surgery, which was brought upon her mind because in pornography women are usually seen a certain way and she happened to look differently. Winnifred being practically a child reaching the teenage years started to change and was all because the appearances that were seen everywhere. It’s amazing how drastically society has been affected by the spread of pornography, it has hit many people changing the way they see life and wanting to look a certain way for people, but not for themselves. 

Our generation has become swallowed into a black whole were the only thing that is available is technology. Everyone now is addicted or has been consumed by electronic media. Electronic media takes up most of my time especially text messaging, it’s like I can’t live without my phone. Yes I have became addicted to text messaging since most of the time I’m texting my boyfriend none stop. When it comes to other social medias like Facebook I use to have one, but I find it boring there really isn’t so much to do. Yes, you can keep in touch with ld friends and get to know new friends, but I decided to delete it since I would hate when people would get mad just cause I wouldn’t write back soon. 

When it comes to how people now get information, students usually only find things that they want or what they want to hear. Also social media might take up most of their time and distract them from actually getting to know what is going on in society. So they are used to finding everything so easily without actually looking information up, when the information they are receiving can be from just one side like a democrat where they might only getting the information that democratic people want to influence, instead of knowing what is really going on. 



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Gamer is a movie released in 2009, an American science fiction action thriller film. That was written and also directed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. The movie Gamer didn’t do well in the box office, it was ranked fourth in the box offices and didn’t reach it’s desired success. Critics to this movie were primary negative, many mention that the movie was taking ideas that were very similar to other movies. In my own opinion Gamer was a very different movie compared to others that I have watched it has action and violence which I believe usually calls peoples attention. But the reason I believe Gamer didn’t reach their audience desire on a movie was because most action movies are sometimes for family, also Gamer included very harsh sexual scenes and includes foul language.
I thought this movie was really good because it caught my attention right at the start, since there was so much action going on, it probably depends on the persons taste. This movie also reflected the truth of our society when it comes to most of teens these days and young adults. I believe it shows how many people are literally addicted into games, it’s the gamers way to get away from reality and becoming someone else like the games Call of Duty and Sims. Which are just like the games in the movie Gamer instead of it being real people. Maybe this movie is a way of showing how our society has become so careless about others, not only that but it can also relate to the Army how we send troops to fight for us but yet they are risking their lives. Instead of our country caring for others we just let it happen, it can be seen in different ways but I really enjoyed this movie it was so different compared to others. 

In Mitu Sengupta article of Race Relations Light Years from Earth he discusses how many different movies have some kind of white fantasy. But the one movie he focuses on is Avatar how this movie has been labeled many different types of names since its release date in 2009. Sengupta says that in this movie the main character who is played by a white actor, happens to be the hero of the movie, to Sengupta’s conclusions he says that this is another movie representing the “White Messiah”. 

As how I see it I agree with Sengupta’s opinion of the movie Avatar, Avatar has many meanings that we don’t realize that’s why many people labeled this movie differently. To my understanding I think this movie is in some way racist, not only in the way that Sengupta describes it but also how in most of the movies that are being produced now in days are usually based the same. What I’m trying to explain is how many of the heros played in movies are usually white. There’s only a few where I could actually say that the hero is being played by a person of color. This could also fall in the category that white privilege also exist, white people are always given the better roles in movies, which leads to being the star of the movie. If this role that Sam Worthington plays in Avatar would have been given to a actor of color like Will Smith, there would of never been any assumptions that this movie is falling under the category that Sengupta puts it in of it being a demonstration of the “White Messiah”. Many movies have meanings to them but viewers don’t really realize what these producers are actually getting us to watch.

It’s amazing the way one can watch television for hours and not get bored, but why is there this reaction towards television? In Gabler’s article The Social Network he describes the emotion or reaction we have towards certain shows like Modern Family and Desperate Housewives. Gabler describes it in his article as, “These shows are pure wish fulfillment. They offer us friends and family at one’s beck and call but without any of the hassles. It is friendship as we wand it to be.” But what does Gabler mean by “these shows are pure wish fulfillment”, I believe he trying to state that these television shows of family and friends are just how we would imagine our own lives to be or how we wish our lives would be. We wish we could have those kinds of friends and family with all the adventures, drama, and close relationship. Thats why these shows have such a huge audience because many wish to have that in there lives. 

I enjoy and always watch those types of shows cause I believe they are very funny and always have some kind of drama. I use to watch all the Desperate Housewives episodes before the season ended, I notice how what Gabler was mentioning in his article is so true cause in the show these women go through drastic and crazy situations, which are so interesting and dramatic that one wishes that they could experience it. Same with the other show Modern Family, this show is about a typical family and how they are so close together but yet have so many things going on in there lives that males the how so interesting. Gabler idea of how these shows are what one wishes our lives would be is so true cause who wouldn’t want there lives as interesting like these shows. 

In Alan Foljambe article, Car Advertising- Dominating Nature he discusses how companies have grown into a new branch of advertising. Instead of going against the environment, car companies are making commercials and ads that include the mountains, fields of grass, clean air, and bringing to light more of nature. This new way of creating commercials and ads for cars benefits certain cars better than other, like the Prius, Volt, and Leaf. These alternative-fuel vehicles have a great advantage to these commercials and ads since they are suppose to be better for the environment and more efficient. 

I was looking through some ads and some commercials of theses three alternative-fuel vehicles, I was looking to the way they create their commercials and the location its filmed or the props they use. I watched the Prius commercial an animated one, it’s location is through the woods and everything around is green. While the car is driving around, it comes across a gas station where it shows that prices are increasing and the Prius just drives right pass it. I believe it’s a way to represent how the Prius is a very efficient car, also shows how the car is safe for the environment. The Volt and Leaf vehicles are semi different to the Prius, both of the other commercials are mostly showing how the car is electric and that most of the time gas really isn’t necessary. The commercial both show the cars passing through fields and the woods using nature to show how its eco-friendly. For all three of these cars the way they are being show in the commercial and ads are deep green, they all show how these cars benefit the environment. 

When we think of space in retail stores, what comes to mind? Retail space is different compared to other commercial properties, like office or industrial space, were everything is emphasized on the display of products and customer accommodation. When we think of the Matador Bookstore I imagine a store for only the sell of college books. This week I visited the Matador Bookstore and examined the different types of products they sell and how the store is arranged for the customers. 

I noticed various different types of products that were being sold at the bookstore. There was clothing representing the schools' name and logo, electronics, household supplies, hygiene products, school supplies, and most important college books. It’s weird how even though its called a bookstore they sell different products that they obviously know college students need and want. The housing products are being sold because students live on campus, same thing with hygiene products since they are necessary everyday products. 

The store tries to emphasis certain products more than other, when you walk right in the store all the attention goes straight to the clothing being sold, since it’s right in the entrance and all the other products are surrounding the clothing. I would imagine the store is actually made to sell books, but I find it strange since all the books are located in the side and the back of the store. I find it interesting how they structure there store, it’s a way to attract students on buying those items that aren’t really necessary. 

Why are we attracted to only certain products or certain stores? Or maybe to just product that are colorful or say certain things on the packaging. As Thomas Hine perceives it in his short article he shows and describes how different kinds of packaging makes a huge difference in the way people notice the product. Thomas Hine describes packaging as “from the cereal boxes you find in the supermarket to the perfume bottles sold at Tiffany’s, the shape and design of the packages that contain just about every product we consume have been carefully calculated to simulate consumption.”, to me it seems like we are being sold the packaging. 

So I visited a retail store that I love and enjoy shopping at to actually see if its true because Thomas Hine says that not only supermarkets use this towards their advantage but also in retail stores. I found it a bit strange because things at the store I visited don’t really come in packages, the store is called Forever 21. Its a retail store that mostly sells women's clothing, footwear, and some accessories, but none of the clothes come in packaging neither does the accessories which are like necklaces, bracelets, scarves, and a few other things. So I started thinking well in this case how would this company try to call the attention of their consumers. So I notice that all the employees are wearing products from their retail store, they are wearing the clothes and accessories. They also have mannequins showing off different styles and how to combine and wear the clothing throughout the stores and in the window sills. I also notice that they have different sections to different styles of clothing, they even had a specific section for plus sizes. I thought of it as a way to call the attention of those individuals who like that certain kind of style or for those who don’t fit the regular sizes.

I’ve been shopping at this store for quiet a while and never actually notice the way that you could consider the term “packaging” and how it is being used in a retail store. It’s actually amazing how people don’t notice how there attention is being drawn to purchasing their clothing line.   

    Samantha Vogel

    Welcome to my English 115 Blog! CSUN student! Hope you enjoy!!

Racial Discrimination in Disney