In Alan Foljambe article, Car Advertising- Dominating Nature he discusses how companies have grown into a new branch of advertising. Instead of going against the environment, car companies are making commercials and ads that include the mountains, fields of grass, clean air, and bringing to light more of nature. This new way of creating commercials and ads for cars benefits certain cars better than other, like the Prius, Volt, and Leaf. These alternative-fuel vehicles have a great advantage to these commercials and ads since they are suppose to be better for the environment and more efficient. 

I was looking through some ads and some commercials of theses three alternative-fuel vehicles, I was looking to the way they create their commercials and the location its filmed or the props they use. I watched the Prius commercial an animated one, it’s location is through the woods and everything around is green. While the car is driving around, it comes across a gas station where it shows that prices are increasing and the Prius just drives right pass it. I believe it’s a way to represent how the Prius is a very efficient car, also shows how the car is safe for the environment. The Volt and Leaf vehicles are semi different to the Prius, both of the other commercials are mostly showing how the car is electric and that most of the time gas really isn’t necessary. The commercial both show the cars passing through fields and the woods using nature to show how its eco-friendly. For all three of these cars the way they are being show in the commercial and ads are deep green, they all show how these cars benefit the environment. 

10/19/2016 12:25:47 am

There are two types of cars that a buyer could purchase. Most buyers would prefer to buy the used version while some of them would want to purchase the brand new ones. These car finders have their own reasons for selecting one of the available options and one of these is the budget involved on the actual purchase. Those with lower budgets would usually resort to the idea of buying used cars since these vehicles are sold at lower prices.


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