When we think of space in retail stores, what comes to mind? Retail space is different compared to other commercial properties, like office or industrial space, were everything is emphasized on the display of products and customer accommodation. When we think of the Matador Bookstore I imagine a store for only the sell of college books. This week I visited the Matador Bookstore and examined the different types of products they sell and how the store is arranged for the customers. 

I noticed various different types of products that were being sold at the bookstore. There was clothing representing the schools' name and logo, electronics, household supplies, hygiene products, school supplies, and most important college books. It’s weird how even though its called a bookstore they sell different products that they obviously know college students need and want. The housing products are being sold because students live on campus, same thing with hygiene products since they are necessary everyday products. 

The store tries to emphasis certain products more than other, when you walk right in the store all the attention goes straight to the clothing being sold, since it’s right in the entrance and all the other products are surrounding the clothing. I would imagine the store is actually made to sell books, but I find it strange since all the books are located in the side and the back of the store. I find it interesting how they structure there store, it’s a way to attract students on buying those items that aren’t really necessary. 

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    Samantha Vogel

    Welcome to my English 115 Blog! CSUN student! Hope you enjoy!!

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