Porn has abducted our society! It’s literally seen everywhere, it’s not the same how before where someone attracted to those movies or the magazines would have to go somewhere specific to be able to obtain that kind of entertainment. Why is that so? It seems that this generation has transformed completely to the point that to grab a viewers attention there has to be some kind of sexual attraction to it. Mostly everything seen in the street when it comes to billboards is very sexual, even commercials for fast-foods have become very popular to make them more sexual. Women are almost half naked in a regular everyday magazine that can be bought by anyone. In the film Sexy Baby on of the three main characters Nichole aka Nakita Kash claims that porn has entered the mainstream and that it has affected the sexual expectations of men and women.

I strongly agree with Nichole, in all these three cases with Laura, Nichole, and Winnifred pornography and the appearances that is seen everywhere has affected their lives. In Laura case for her to feel sexually attracted and to satisfy the man by having the perfect vagina she had to get surgery, which was brought upon her mind because in pornography women are usually seen a certain way and she happened to look differently. Winnifred being practically a child reaching the teenage years started to change and was all because the appearances that were seen everywhere. It’s amazing how drastically society has been affected by the spread of pornography, it has hit many people changing the way they see life and wanting to look a certain way for people, but not for themselves. 

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    Samantha Vogel

    Welcome to my English 115 Blog! CSUN student! Hope you enjoy!!

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