It’s amazing the way one can watch television for hours and not get bored, but why is there this reaction towards television? In Gabler’s article The Social Network he describes the emotion or reaction we have towards certain shows like Modern Family and Desperate Housewives. Gabler describes it in his article as, “These shows are pure wish fulfillment. They offer us friends and family at one’s beck and call but without any of the hassles. It is friendship as we wand it to be.” But what does Gabler mean by “these shows are pure wish fulfillment”, I believe he trying to state that these television shows of family and friends are just how we would imagine our own lives to be or how we wish our lives would be. We wish we could have those kinds of friends and family with all the adventures, drama, and close relationship. Thats why these shows have such a huge audience because many wish to have that in there lives. 

I enjoy and always watch those types of shows cause I believe they are very funny and always have some kind of drama. I use to watch all the Desperate Housewives episodes before the season ended, I notice how what Gabler was mentioning in his article is so true cause in the show these women go through drastic and crazy situations, which are so interesting and dramatic that one wishes that they could experience it. Same with the other show Modern Family, this show is about a typical family and how they are so close together but yet have so many things going on in there lives that males the how so interesting. Gabler idea of how these shows are what one wishes our lives would be is so true cause who wouldn’t want there lives as interesting like these shows. 

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    Samantha Vogel

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